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Stone Vairocana Buddha

Stone Vairocana Buddha

Stone Vairocana Buddha

Made with : Black stone 

Height: 20 cm

weight:1.42 kg


Vairocana refers  to the oldest Dhani Buddhas according to Vajrayāna Buddhism. The Five Dhyani Buddhas, or Pancha Buddha or Five Tathagatas or Great Buddhas of Wisdom, are the central features of Vajrayana Buddhis.  Each Buddha is believed to be capable of overcoming a particular evil with a particular good, and each has a complete system of 4 iconographic symbolism. They are believed to represent the five great moments in the life of Buddha .However, the most important attribute that esoteric Buddhism places upon this set of five Buddhas are their ability to transform the five great human delusions into specific positive attributes. The five Dhyani Buddhas are:

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